Mae Boun Nam


Mae Boun Nam's name means, "the real survivor". She has been through it all. At age 11 she was put to work at a village in the Hongsa District transporting tourists for forest treks. She lost one of her unborn calves to a gunshot wound inflicted by a farmer, and her son, who currently lives with her at the Elephant Conservation Center, was sold into tourism at age 4. Fortunately, she and her son are protected by the ECC today. She is very friendly, curious, and very gentle despite her harsh past.

How your contribution helped Mae Boun Nam:

When you made your purchase at The Elephant Temple, we took 10% of the proceeds and donated to the Elephant Conservation Center. There your donation went to providing veterinary care, food, and enrichment for Mae Bounmy Noy, as well as wages for his mahouts (caretakers)

Sponsor Mae Boun Nam for future purchases by signing up for the Tiny Trunks Progam!

You can continue sponsoring Mae Boun Nam by signing up for the Tiny Trunks Program. When you sign up for our Tiny Trunks Program, we donate 10% of the proceeds of your orders to Mae Boun Nam. We track your progress, and you get rewards based on how much you money you raise!

You'll get $1 back for every dollar you raise! You can also earn rewards in all kinds of ways: birthdays, referrals and more! Learn more about Mae Boun Nam and track your donations @theelephantconservationcenter.

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